the divine awakened woman

a place for community rooted in sisterhood

Hello beloved woman, sister, seeker!

I am Maria and I created the Divine Awakened Woman Membership because women were longing for a space to connect once they completed my programs and retreats. A place that holds no judgment, only love, and compassion. I also wanted to create a space where women who were new to my work could enter and feel welcomed, held, and supported.

this space is unique in that we focus on feeding our soulful batteries through the work that we do.

Through group coaching sessions and writing prompts, I guide the women to dig deeper and explore their shadows. We encourage each other to reach our goals and believe that whatever we desire IS possible. The work allows women to pinpoint limiting beliefs that have kept them stuck in sabotaging mindsets. Once these are acknowledged, the real work begins. I remind women to connect to their infinite divine within to find all the answers and healing that they need.

This is the perfect spot for you to dip your toes into the work that Maria offers or stay connected to the practices after finishing a program. Women are raving about all the goodness being offered.

what’s included in the membership:

  • 1 Yoga/INbodyment class (A soothing 35 min. that you can apply as your practice each day that month)

  • 1 Guided Meditation - Yoga Nidra which is Yogic Sleep
    (30 minutes of yoga Nidra has been compared to 4 hours of REM sleep)

  • 1 Sadhana (Morning Practice) so you can practice it for the 30 days

  • 1 Moon Circle (depending on the month, we will do either a full moon or new moon ceremony)

  • 1 INWARD Women’s Circle Session - Maria’s signature Women’s Council offering a new topic each month!

  • Writing Prompts

  • Access to the Sacred Sisterhood Collective Network

  • Special discounts on workshops

  • VIP access to membership-only events

  • A Vibrant Community of Like-minded women working on leveling UP!

  • All online and recorded in case you miss a live session and you have access to all the past sessions too!


I met Maria in another program and we were filtered into the same group, her light spoke to me, called to me. I joined her book club next and it was everything I needed and everything I had promised myself I would commit to for myself this year. This group is the next step on that journey. It’s been a long healing journey, one that has been painful and yet incredibly rewarding. As I move forward, I feel like I am ready to claim my time, my voice, my path in ways that I have not dreamed of. I crave a community of women that for too long I was taught (by women with their own wounds) was never to be trusted. My mantra for this year is “the only way out is through” I’m pushing myself past the edge of my comfort zone, past what feels “safe.” I’m embracing growth and community. I’m here to learn from and hold space for all these women who have also been called here.

 erin rabidue

What a powerful circle this is! I am so grateful for the guidance and support, with such a wonderful group of sisters alongside me! Being part of this membership has allowed me to FOCUS, release and manifest. Without Maria's guidance, I struggle with pinning down what I want to work on each month but with her gentle wisdom, grounding, and writing prompts, it all comes naturally, effortlessly.

  • kelli pelich